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4 Tips to maintain your Floor Drains

Everything in a commercial establishment such as a restaurant needs to be regularly cleaned and maintained to run smoothly. Adhering to proper washing, sanitizing and other food safety regulations ensures that the employees and customers are happy and healthy. One of the more overlooked tasks may be cleaning out the drains on the floor underneath sinks, soda machines and ice machines. However, keeping drains clean and clog-free is just as critical as any other health and safety practice. Here are some tips to maintain your floor drains.

  • Never pour oils, fats or cooking grease down the drain

With time, the accumulation of oils can cause your drain to become clogged and thus backup into your kitchen causing a huge mess. Proper design of the system is important and a solution to potentially blocked drains is a dosing system designed for the specific application.

  • Ensure your drain trap is intact

Floor drains contain a ‘trap’, which fills water and prevents methane gas from sewer lines from reaching the opening and allowing foul odors to seep out. Sometimes in older drains, the trap can dry out or become rusted and let gases escape. In this case, a clean-out plug will need to be installed. You can also try pouring an enzymatic chemical solution down the drain that eats the odor-causing bacteria and keeps odors under control.

  • Always use chemical solutions and hot water in your drains to prevent bugs

Unwelcome pests such as cockroaches, flies and other insects are drawn to dark, damp places such as drains and pipes. Use a chemical solution safe for your type of drain mixed with hot water and pour it down your drain regularly to keep organic substances from building up and attracting bugs.

  • Use a floor trough

A floor trough is a type of floor drain that is typically larger than a standard drain. This allows you to drain large quantities of water at a time, preventing standing water and reducing the risk of slip and falls.

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