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Where are floor drains required?

Floor drains are required to remove standing water and prevent fat, grease and oil (FOG) pollution from damaging land and sewers surrounding your business. After passing through a floor drain, contaminated water must run through a grease trap in commercial kitchens and an oil separator at fuel stations and car washes before flowing into sewer systems.

In addition to flowing into traps and separators, floor drains also help ensure that you are not wasting water. Often times people use “water as a broom” to wash away spills and debris. With properly placed floor drains, less water will be required to drain away liquids.

In commercial kitchens, floor drains should be placed in storage, preparation, production and washing areas. Busy kitchens often end up with wet floors due to the amount of water and grease used in cooking and cleaning. Keeping the floor of a kitchen safe prevents accidents and saves businesses money. Pollution Solution offers drains and grease traps that will ensure you kitchen is safe and up to hygienic and environmental standards.

Federal regulations require that all floor drains must pass through grease traps in the food and catering industry. Regulations control the pollutant storage capacity, drain diameter, retention times, flow rates and more. Let us worry about regulations so you don’t have to. All of our products at Pollution Solution are manufactured in South Africa and comply with regulations.

Just like restaurants and catering companies, fuel stations and car washes also require floor drains. Floor drains in the automotive industry are designed to collect water and accidental spillage of oil and cleaners. Oil separators remove contaminants, allowing just clean water to be flushed into the sewer system and the oil to be pumped away during cleaning.

Oil pumps have multiple compartments and tanks to ensure that all pollutants are fully removed before allowing water to flow out. Floor drains in different locations can all flow to the same oil separator. At car washes, each bay must have its own drain to prevent standing water from harboring bacteria. At fuel stations, it’s recommended to have drains placed frequently in case of accidental spillage.

Pollution Solution’s SewerGuard Float Valve System is uniquely designed to ensure that no contaminants pass through to the sewer system. The float, which controls the valve, is made to only float on water, rather than on hydrocarbons like most systems. Hydrocarbons are less dense than water, so some contaminants might seep through with that outdated technology. By just floating on water, our system better protects sewers and offers reassurance in the case of a large spill and overflow.

For whatever business you own that requires a floor drain, you can trust Pollution Solution’s technology and industry professionals to provide you products and services to be up to code.

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